The NV-100 near vision tester enable a complete refractive and binocular vision investigation to be carried out with the head and eyes in their normal posture at any working distance.
The NV-100 near vision tester enable a complete refractive and binocular vision investigation to be carried out with the head and eyes in their normal posture at any working distance.
The refractive tests include:
Measurement of visual acuity using Snallen letter and illiterate E-chart, and Times Roman reading types. Accurate determination of presbyopic additions and other near corrections. Near vision astigmatism tests. Amplitude of accommodation including monocular measurements under binocular conditions.
The Binocular balance tests include:
Fixation disparity test for uncompensated heterophoria motor eye dominance. Accommodation convergence relationship. Quantitative evaluation of foveal suppression in heterophoria patients. Near point of convergence. Targets for subjective cover tests for heterophoria and harmonious ARC.
A centimeter ruler for measuring working and testing distance is included. The chart can be illuminated individually by means of an infra red remote controller
Test Distance: 36CM Distant contral: 60cm Size: 220X210X42MM Weight: 780g Power Supply: LR6AA/1.5 Vx3
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