1). 50 charts and various masks 2). Landolt, Letter, Child, Snellen, 50 kinds of charts, and horlzontal line, vertical line, one chart, various masks can be selected by the remote control box 3). Fast, silent chart disk rotation. It moves to the following chart in a maximum of 0.3 seconds. 4). User program mode: 2kinds of programs can be selected 48 kinds (maximum) of chart and mask are memorizable.
1. Projection Distance: 2.0 ~ 7.0m 2. Projection magnification: 30 (when the projection distance of 5m) 3. Projection size: 335mm × 222mm (when the projection distance of 5m) 4. Tilt angle: From the horizon up or down for each 10 degrees 5. Source: 12V 35W (halogen) 6. Dimensions: 248 (W) × 336 (L) × 234 (H) 7. Weight: 4kgs 8. Power Supply 100-240V 9. 120VA 5 minutes after the power automatically turn off Remote control board, SUM4 alkaline batteries 2, screen, test visual acuity drawings, dust cover, spare bulb, spare fuse
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